

12 posts
A Seniors Guide to Navigating Virtual Healthcare
Paid-members Healthcare

A Seniors Guide to Navigating Virtual Healthcare

In recent times, the landscape of healthcare has transformed drastically, with telehealth emerging as a primary mode of medical consultation and monitoring. This article serves as a roadmap for seniors to harness the benefits of telehealth and navigate its nuances effectively....

12 Ways To Decompress From Your Stressful Job

12 Ways To Decompress From Your Stressful Job

As you’ve probably discovered, your work can trigger all kinds of stress reactions. From minor annoyances to heart attacks, on-the-job stress is a major cause of many mental and physical ailments. Are you suffering the consequences of workplace stress? Consider these questions: Do you find yourself feeling annoyed with...

You Ready To Stop Being Hangry?

You Ready To Stop Being Hangry?

Many scientists believe that being hangry is a real thing, and not just a catchy hashtag. In fact, hunger causes physical changes similar to many emotions, including anger. Skipping breakfast or taking offense at someone who cuts you off in traffic both increase stress hormones and alter brain processes. The...

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